SATB, organ. Moderately easy. Original tune with spare harmonies; an early American sound that recalls shape-note singing. Composed 1982, revised 2003. See and hear the entire work here.

Come to Calvary’s holy mountain,

Sinners, ruined by the fall;

Here a pure and healing fountain

Flows to you, to me, to all;

In a full perpetual tide,

Opened when our Savior died.


Come in sorrow and contrition,

Wounded, impotent and blind;

Here the guilty free remission,

Here the troubled, peace may find:

Health this fountain will restore;

He that drinks shall thirst no more.


He that drinks shall live forever;

’Tis a soul-renewing flood;

God is faithful, God will never

Break his covenant of blood,

Signed when our Redeemer died,

Sealed when he was glorified.

—James Montgomery (1771–1854)