An unexpected delight was Miniwelt, “a small tour around the world” in the town of Liechtenstein in Saxony. You walk around the park and look at models of architectural marvels of the world. It drew me in, surprised, the longer I was there.
The Taj Mahal, Washington’s Capitol, the Washington Monument, the Forbidden City, Sydney Opera House, Leaning Tower of Pisa, pyramids, Acropolis, and hundreds more, all looking precise and dear. You walk and you look and you nod and you smile, and you take your time. Working trains, small but bigger than model railroads, ships in canals, a passenger plane taking off and landing, and all outside, rain or shine.
This day threatened rain but it stayed merely cloudy. I attempted to frame some shots of interest on the phone, my favorite being Cristo Redentor, Christ the Redeemer from Rio de Janeiro, spreading his arms by a butterfly bush and being hailed by the Statue of Liberty from up the path. It was my second pass; I had already seen them at the beginning of our tour, but after finishing the circuit and resting on a bench I looked over, thought I spied an angle, and went back to get this.
The first Eiffel Tower looked like the real thing to me (having never seen the real thing) but the next photo puts it in perspective. Her family had gone on and she was catching up; I waited while she walked past, on her way to the rest of the world.