
First published in the Broad Street Review 27 Nov 2023, and reprinted here by permission. It’s been a good year for bedstraw. Its narrow leaves radiate out in evenly spaced fans along its vine; delicate white flowers pop out at the end: it’s a sparkler of a weed. It...

The House Wren

A photo of a common bird gives flight to thoughts on technology and gratitude. [First published in the Broad Street Review 19 Jul 2022 as “A walk in the woods, with the wrens, makes me wonder: if things were simpler, when?” and reprinted here by...

My first photography exhibition

Through February and March, 2021, 16 of my photographs will hang on the walls of the Broad Street Grind, the wonderful coffee house in Souderton, Pa. Jackie and I have known Phillip Shade, the Grind’s owner, since college. Jackie played for Phil and...