
* = normal extra instrument (e.g., 3* = 2 flutes, piccolo)
/ = normal alternating instrument (e.g., 3/ = 3 flutes, 3rd alt. piccolo)

Agnus Dei. SATB, orchestra, 15′. Commissioned by the Mendelssohn Club of Philadelphia, Paul Rardin, Artistic Director, to complement the Mozart Great Mass in C minor. Completed 24 August 2015. Premiered 18 October 2015, The Church of the Holy Trinity, Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia by the Mendelssohn Club of Philadelphia and the Symphony in C, conducted by Paul Rardin

Alabanza. 2003. medium voice, violin, piano, 3 latin perc, double bass–––timp.2perc–str. 6′

And Seeing the Multitudes. 2015. solo cello–2+pic, 2,2,2—4,3,3,1—timp+3(incl marimba)—piano, harp—solo cello—strings. 20′

The Bremen Town Musicians. 2016.––1perc–narr–str. 8′

Chorale Fantasias from Vespers. 2015.––str. 10’.

Chorale for Orchestra. 2000. 3(3rd/pic).2.2.2––timp.3perc–str. 11′

Concerto for Trombone and Orchestra. 1991. solo trombone–2*.2*.2*.2––timp.perc–pno–str. 28′. Review

Even the Grass Must Sing. SATB, small orchestra (1111-2100-timp-pno-str), or SATB, piano, 18′. Text: Jane Flanders (1940-2001). Commissioned by The Choristers, David Spitko, Artistic Director, and premiered by them 26 Apr 2025, Trinity Lutheran Church, Lansdale, Pa.

Exsultet. 2007. solo horn–str. 18′. Review

Four French Carols. 2002. 3*.3*.2.2––timp.2perc–str. 12′
1. A Cry Went Up at Midnight Full score
2. Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella Full score
3. Saw You Never Full score
4. O Come, Divine Messiah Full score 

Four French Carols. 2004. str. 12′
1. A Cry Went Up at Midnight
4. O Come, Divine Messiah

Gold and Silver. 2014. 3*.2.2.3*(opt cbn)––timp.2perc (incl glock)–str. 7′. Full score. Commissioned by the Helena Symphony for its 60th anniversary, and in honor of the 150th anniversary of the City of Helena. Premiered 19 July 2014, Helena Symphony, Allan R. Scott conducting, Carroll College, Helena, Montana.

Hymn and Fugue No. 1. str. 8′. Review

Jubilate Deo, for orchestra. 2022. 2222–2200–timp–str, 5’30”. Premiered 22 Oct 2022 by the Susquehanna Symphony Orchestra, Sheldon Bair conducting.

Jubilate Deo, for string orchestra. 2020. str. 5’30”. Premiered 9 May 2020 by the strings of the Temple University Music Preparatory Division, Temple University Performing Arts Center, Aaron Picht conducting.

A Mighty Fortress. 2004.––timp.1perc–unison voices–str. 12′

Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins. 2000. solo high voice–––str. 11′

Psalm 46. 2004. solo baritone–2*.2.2.2––timp.1perc–SATB–str. 14′
Excerpt 1, The nations rage 

Excerpt 2, The God of Jacob 

The Red Book of Montserrat. 2013. str. 20′. Full score

Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow. SATB–––timp.1perc–str) 4′. Hal Leonard

A Song of Sonia Sanchez. 2000. medium voice, violin, piano, 3 latin perc, double bass–––timp.2perc–str. 7′. Full scoreReview

Song of the Angels. 2014.––timp.tri–str, 7’30″ Full Score. For the Cairn University Orchestra, Joseph Caminiti, music director, in honor of the 100th Anniversity of Cairn University. Premiered 9 May 2014, Cairn University, Langhorne, Pa. And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts: the whole earth is full of His glory. Isaiah 6:3

Susquehanna. 2017. 3*.3*.3*.2––timp.3–str. 8′. Commissioned for the 40th Anniversary of the Susquehanna Symphony Orchestra, Sheldon Bair, Founder and Music Director. Premiered 4 March 2017, Bel Air, Maryland.

Symphony: Lumen ad revelationem. 2002.–2.2–1perc–str. 22′ Review
Commissioned by the Lehigh Valley Chamber Orchestra, Donald Spieth, Music Director, and premiered by them on February 15th and 16th, 2002, at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pa.

Three Dances. 1995. 2/.2.2.2––1perc–str. 12′. Review
1. Introduction and Country dance Full score

2. Waltz Full score

3. Fuguing Tune Full score

Three Dances. 2012. str. 12′. Full scoreAnother post about re-orchestrating this. Review
1. Introduction and Country dance 

2. Waltz 

3. Fuguing tune 

Three Dances, for string orchestra. 2013. 12′

Three Dances. 1998. 1 percussion–string orchestra. 12′. Full scoreReview
1. Introduction and Country dance
2. Waltz
3. Fuguing tune

The Three Graces. 2001. solo oboe, horn, cello–string orchestra. 12′. Full score

Variations on a Theme of Schubert. 1999. solo piano––2.1–timp.1perc–str. 17′. Full score

Vespers for a Bach Orchestra. 2017. 2 Oboes da caccia, 2 Horns, Organ, Strings. 20′

The Voice of One Who Spoke. 2003. 3*.2.2.2*––timp.3perc–str. 20′. Full score