A big thank-you to John French, Alan Morrison, and the combined Ursinus College Choir and Meistersingers for their work on my six anthems tonight at Ursinus College. What a beautiful concert! Even when some nice people entered Bomberger Hall late!
Also on the program were two works I didn’t know but was glad I heard. They featured saxophonist Holly Hubbs, who performed brilliantly. She played alto on the Richard Proulx Fantasy on “Veni Creator Spiritus,” and, with the choir, soprano saxophone on the James Whitbourn Son of God Mass.
My anthems the choirs performed (with great feeling) were:
- Behold, the Best, the Greatest Gift
- Come, Gather All
- Holy Mountain
- I Sought the Lord, and Afterward I Knew
- My Shepherd Will Supply My Need
- Unto the Hills
Thank you, John, singers, Alan, and Holly for a wonderful evening. Thank you, Ursinus, and by the way, congratulations on your new Music Major program!