From Vespers, my Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern was performed this evening at Northwestern University, in a new version for two oboes, cello, and keyboard. Thank you, Donald Nally, the Bienen Contemporary/Early Vocal Ensemble and all of the musicians!
The English title is How Fair the Bright and Morning Star, and I mention this because while I made a translation for the Vespers program book and CD liner notes, it wasn’t until this year that I made a true anthem version of this, with the English underlaid as text with the German, in octavo format. Piffaro, the Renaissance Band accompanied the original, sung by The Crossing. Here’s a taste of that original version: Audio Player
Donald wanted Wie schön for this, his first semester as Director of Choral Organizations and Professor at Northwestern. He asked about a modern instrument version (which I’ve been wanting to make for a while, for all of Vespers). I very much liked his idea of the two oboes and cello, along with keyboard (and SATB—and for those who’ve wrestled with Herr Christ, der einig Gotts Sohn, so to speak, no divisi!). In tonight’s concert I believe they had a positiv organ available.
Anyone wishing a look-see at this version, just let me know! There’s a list of all my choral works here.