Plain Truths with Lawrence Indik

Lucky indeed am I to have seen and heard such a fantastic performance of Plain Truths on Wednesday night, March 11th, at Temple University. This was the original version, five songs with piano accompaniment. Baritone Lawrence Indik, professor at Temple University,...


It’s the stuff of earth and of life on Now is the Time, Sunday, September 23rd at 10 pm. A solo piano rocks, and water meets stone at a Mediterranean coast. Michael Gandolfi interprets the garden where natural geometry gives way to physics. Brooks plays with air and...

Diabelli podcast

In addition to the Bernard Rands interview, Network for New Music has also released a podcast about their Diabelli Project, 25 variations on that theme made famous by Beethoven. The variations, ranging from 48″ to 2’44”, were written by Philadelphia...

Diabelli Variation

Network for New Music asked me and 24 others* to write new variations on the Diabelli theme to celebrate their 25th Anniversary. Each variation was to be under two minutes, and for any combination of a small choice of instruments. All of the pieces were performed in a...